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Umbra Umbella
Experimental Short Film
Fall as rain. Become heavy enough to plummet under gravity... Hiding.
Elevated, overhead view of urban life looking down on passers-by on street.
Entirely photo-based work on a less seen angle of umbrellas shielding people.
Under the umbrellas mobile phones emanate whimsical "fire"/light drawings
that look like human thought processes made visible in the darkness.
Cosmic rain drops shaped like parachutes. Can be seen as a shield protecting
the body. One's personal inner climate. Water of life. Not an emotion.
The word "umbrella" has evolved from the Latin umbella (an umbel is
a flat-topped rounded flower) or umbra, which means shaded or shadow.
Original format: photographs, audio. 5:30 min. 2015.
Music: Maripichan Sound-Machine; Marisol Barrios.
"All Day, All Night" from Love Songs EP cc license
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